

When Sir Haren, our Media and Information Literacy teacher, divided our class into 4 teams. He told us to prepare for debate: Traditional Media vs. New Media & Controlled Media vs. Free Media. Then this thought pop up in my mind: Why do we still have the traditional media and new media debate?

In my own opinion, it's obvious that the new media will win. Why? because in the current age of technological advances, it seems that traditional media is facing competition from ever-expanding new forms of media. Nowadays, people can easily communicate and gain information by more kinds of media tools such as mobile phones and computers because of the development of technology. 

That's what I thought. 

I remembered someone from the Traditional Media team when the debate started, he said that "Traditional media started it all. Without it, there will be no New Media." They have a point. Traditional media are part of our culture for over half a century. 

When the 2 teams started their debate and throwing their strong points from their team, I realized something.

That the purpose of this debate is to remind us that the traditional media and new media should be used efficiently and it should be balanced. It doesn't mean that the new media is the most commonly used in gaining information these days, we should forget the traditional media. 


The assigned topic for me and my groupmates was controlled media. 

Controlled media are the kind that can be created and controlled by the firm such as advertisement, speeches, paid programs, and employee newsletters. The advantages of controlled media include the ability to program the channel subjectively by selecting the exact words and images that get sent and also by controlling when and how often the message is repeated. Disadvantages of controlled media include lack of credibility and cost.

Some may agree that we should use controlled media, some may not. In the Free Media team, their opinion is that the media should be free to be accessed by society. They think it is a human right for everyone. I also remembered someone from their team, said that media should be free because they want to be aware of what is happening. If the media is controlled, the public might be cheated and could not get the truth anymore.

Personally, I agree that media should be controlled in some areas. Being controlled doesn't mean that the people will not know the truth or they will not be aware of what is happening around them. I believe that controlled media keeps a healthy environment and social security. In controlled media, the information that they share to the people are limited because of some reasons: first, if all of the information was given, some people have different perspective about some issues. It may start a chaos. Like for example, if the people knew all the information about a certain issue, like a government-related issue, they might protest and attack the government. Second, if all of the information was leaked, it may attract criminals or terrorists. Lastly, sometimes, free media are the cause of cyberbullying. In controlled media, you can have your privacy.

To conclude the debate, there are both advantages and disadvantages in any forms of media. As we know, the media plays an important role and has a big influence on our lives. However, media is a dangerous and very wide platform. I believe that we should be careful in using media. We should have enough knowledge about the different forms of media and it is our responsibility to check and evaluate whether the information is valid or not.

What about you? What are your thoughts about the debate? Which do you prefer the most? Traditional or New media? Controlled or Free Media?


Thank You. 

- nv

It is better to debate a question without settling it than to settle a question without debating it.
- Joseph Joubert 


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