Welcome to my 1st blog!

Media and Information Literacy - My First Encounter 

The "first meeting" in your new subject is exciting, isn't it? 

That feeling when your nervous and excited about your classmates, your teacher, the upcoming lessons, and the things that you can learn from your subject. I also felt that.

So, I'm gonna share my new experience in our Media and Information Literacy class. 

On our first meeting, our teacher gave us a hashtag #OralCommunicationthen he told us to bring out our sticky notes because we're going to have an activity, and then he told us to put 1 word that describes each of our classmates and give it to the specific person.

special thanks to my classmates! :)

The activity was fun because I receive a lot of compliments and I also gave compliments to my classmates too that make them smile. By this activity, we were able to know about how our classmates think of us. It also helps us to know each other more and also strengthens our bond. We also got to share what we got in front of our class. 

After the activity, I wondered how our activity relates to our Media and Information Literacy subject? what is the role of Oral Communication in Media and Information Literacy? 

These questions were answered during our second meeting. stay tuned for my next blog!


To sum it up, I had a lot of fun in my first encounter in our Media and Information Literacy class! 

I hope you enjoyed your first day too! Good luck and have fun this school year! 😊

- nv

"Education is our passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to the people who  prepare for it today" 


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